6 March Members who wish to know how their bids are progressing or who want information on lots of interest can, as usual, request current opening bids from the Auction Manager. These are one increment above current winning bids. Note that we never divulge high book bids.
19 January We have opened the Supplementary Information page for the current auction with some additional info on Lots 177 and 285.
19 January Some photos from the 2024 Convention in Jersey have been added to the Convention Archive.
17 January Our March 2025 Auction is now available to view online. You can find the catalogue at our Auction page.
9 December The Maple Leaves copies for the year 2019 have been added to the online archive. You can find them here.
9 December The Maple Leaves Cumulative Index has been updated to include all issues up to the end of Volume 38 and now covers 1946 to 2024.
11 October Courtesy of member John Cranmer, we have now added a bookmark feature to the Maple Leaves Cumulative Index.
21 September Our current auction is now closed.
Our next sale will be in March 2025. Consignments for this sale shoulld reach the Auction Manager by 20 December.
26 August We have updated the online version of the Cumulative Index for Maple Leaves. The new version covers all issues from 1946 to the end of 2022 (Volumes 1 to 37). You can find the new index here.
18 June We have added a new link on our Links page to the Postal History Society..
23 March The January and April 2024 issues of Maple Leaves contain an article on the Newfoundland First Resources Issue with much of the reasearch done from the PB&Co Engravings Book 1923 - 1935. It was not practical to include all of the original scans from this Engravings Book in the Journal but they provide a useful research resource for all Newfoundland collectors and you can access them here.
3 January 2024 We have added some photos from the 2023 Convention in Barnsley. You can find them here.
2 January 2024 We have added the Maple Leaves issues for 2018 to the Maple Leaves archive. You can find them here.
25 October We have added some initial general and travel information for our 2024 Convention to be held in Jersey. You can find this at our Convention page.
27 September The listings of past Society trophy winners have been updated to reflect awards made at our 2023 Convention.
26 September The listing of Society Officers has been updated following our AGM on 23 September.
26 September Following a decision taken at our 2023 AGM, the Society Exchange Packet has been permanently closed.
25 September As an aid to casual browsers of our site who may be interested in joining the Society, we have added a new feature which allows you to view an article from the current issue of Maple Leaves along with the contents of the issue.
2 August 2018 Those members who are avid users of Social Media will be pleased to learn that the Society now has a Facebook presence. The Society Facebook page is 'Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain' and we also have a group discussion page which is 'Canadian Philatelic Society of GB Discussion Group'.
1 August 2018 In line with the recently enacted General Data Protection Regulations we have updated our policies on the use of member data. you can find the new policy here.
27 June 2018 We have added a new display to the site featuring the Gold Medal winning one frame display of Newfoundland Postal History. You can find it here.
24 February 2018 We have added a new display to the website - the large display of Large Queen Postal History that was presented to the 2017 Convention can be found here.
17 October 2017 A new feature has been added to the site. If you follow the links via the Benefits page and Convention section you will find details of all the Society Trophies which may be awarded on a annual basis. A short cut link can be found here.
27 January 2017 A full update of the Members Handbook Part 2 - Society Constitution and Rules has been uploaded to the website. You can find this here. In addition a link to the Exchange Packet rules has been added to the Exchange Packet page and the Benefits page now includes links to a list of past Convention venues, the rules of the Society Convention Competitions and the Exchange Packet rules.
The 'About Us' page now also includes a link to full lists of past Presidents, Fellows and Honorary Life Members of the Society. In future, all of the above information (which was previously printed in the Members Handbook updates) will only be maintained up to date on the website.